Tyler W. LeBaron
Tyler W. LeBaron, Ph.D., is the Founder and Executive Director of the science-based, nonprofit, Molecular Hydrogen Institute. His background is in biochemistry, physiology, and exercise science. He has taught physiology, and currently teaches exercise physiology and chemistry lab classes at Southern Utah University as an adjunct instructor. He interned at Nagoya University Japan in the department of Neurogenetics to research the molecular mechanisms of hydrogen gas on cell-signaling pathways. He is a director of the International Hydrogen Standards Association (IHSA) and the International Molecular Hydrogen Association (IMHA). He speaks at medical conferences in the US for doctors CMEs/CEUs, and at academic biomedical hydrogen symposia and conferences around the world.
He is also a member of theAcademic Committee of Taishan Institute for Hydrogen Biomedical Research. He collaborates with researchers at home and abroad, and helps advance the education, research, and awareness of hydrogen as a potential therapeutic medical gas. When not doing research, he is often found training and competing in running.
200 Spectrum Center Drive Suite 2100 Irvine, CA 92618 | (626) 530-7815 | cs@calerielongevity.com
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